Better gut better health; this is what you can have when you incorporate probiotics with some of the best-fermented foods around.
Incorporating Fermented Foods
Science is starting to catch up and agree with what many people of days gone by already knew.
Incorporating fermented foods into your diet can do wonders for your gut and, as a result, improve your health in more ways than one.
Did you know that Bacteria can be good as well? Share on X
Why is this so?
Modern researchers have found that many fermented foods contain good gut bacteria?

Yes, there are good bacteria as well as harmful ones.
The term probiotics became more in use around the 1970s.
In simple terms, probiotics are good bacteria, while the bad ones are generally known as pathogens.
For more detailed information regarding probiotics, this article can be of further benefit “What are Probiotics for?”
What is fermentation?
Fermentation is a process that helps to break down certain compounds in another form.
Such examples are:
• Acetobacter bacteria can turn alcohol (through fermentation) into acetic acid, and when added to water and other flavorings, help make vinegar.
• Yeast can convert sugars into alcohol
• Concerning this article, bacteria such as lactobacilli bacteria break down sugars and starch into lactic acid.
Lactic acid (without getting too technical) creates a more acidic nature.
In turn, this acidic nature stops and even helps destroy the pathogens (harmful bacteria) as they favour a more alkaline nature to thrive and produce the damage it wants.
Two of the most well-known foods (more listed below) containing lactic acid are Yogurt and Sauerkraut.
The breakdown into Lactic acid is the main reason that gives that slightly sour or tangy taste.
The probiotics keep the pathogens in check, so it is essential to maintain healthy gut flora.
Why ferment foods?
Before refrigeration, to preserve life and save wastage, many foods need to be kept, such as wine, cheeses, and pickled vegetables.
Apart from the above, on fermentation and its breakdown, here are some reasons for what fermentation can do for you.
• Certain good bacteria (for ease of use, we will stick with the name probiotic) helps to synthesize specific vitamins, in particular, B12 and Vitamin K
• The probiotics found in Fermented foods increase the vital balance of gut flora, which helps maintain a healthy balance within the body.
• Products such as yogurt and certain cheeses can help people who are lactose intolerant as lactose found in milk is broken down, thus aiding in more comfortable digestion.
The Best Fermented Foods
1. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the most well-known probiotic foods available.
Generally made from fermented milk, good yogurt contains live cultures such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophiles, being the most common.
Taking yogurt can help balance the gut flora, particularly after taking antibiotics, which can destroy both the good and bad bacteria and bring on diarrhea.
Yogurt can help stop diarrhea, especially in children, don’t take too much in one go.
Taking too much in one go can create added diarrhea, so have smaller portions at the start, then slowly increase the amount.
Use common sense with the portion as you would with any other food type.
Lactose, formally found in milk, is broken down into lactic acid.
It is this lactic acid that gives that tangy or sour taste.
Not all yogurts are suitable for your gut flora as the flavoured types, which contain some fruit, also contain added sugars.
The added sugar can counteract the purpose of taking yogurt as a probiotic food.
It is also a great idea to check the labels to see if the cultures mentioned above have been included and is lactose-free.
Some companies can be a bit vague or tricky with what or how it is written on the labels, so always double-check.
The best type of yogurt that contains probiotics is plain natural Greek Yogurt.
If in doubt, don’t buy the product within the commercialized stores and perhaps go to a local health food store, which might be the better choice.
Always refrigerate your yogurt, preferably in the colder section rather than on the side door.
2. Sauerkraut

As with many other Fermented foods, Sauerkraut contains many benefits via its’ probiotic qualities.
Generally made from White Cabbage, there has been an increase in Red Cabbage, which also has many health benefits.
Being low in calories makes it an excellent choice for those needing a low-calorie intake.
It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidants properties, along with being a great source of dietary fiber.
Cabbage contains many great benefits, such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, along with phosphorus and potassium.
As cabbage is fermented, the lactobacilli it produces help further benefit the body with its probiotic benefits.
The reason is that the increased probiotics strengthen the internal flora of the gut but aids in helping to improve the digestibility and efficiency in the better absorption of the various vitamins within the body.
Although Sauerkraut is high in probiotics and the many other benefits mentioned above, it can be high in sodium as part of the fermentation process.
Therefore it is best to have smaller daily portions due to the sodium intake.
So allow for this if you are watching your sodium intake and any other foods you may be taking.
If you are making your fermented sauerkraut, using Himalayan Pink Sea Salt, for example, would be more beneficial than using the regular table salt.
3. Kefir

Kefir can look and taste similar to Yogurt, just in a more drinkable form.
Dairy products used during fermentation can be Goat, Cow, or Sheep’s milk.
Making Kefir with Coconut water or coconut milk can be an excellent alternative for those with dairy issues.
The probiotic benefits from Kefir can also be more significant than yogurt as there are many more strains of good gut bacteria than those found in yogurt.
Kefir is also high in various Vitamins and Minerals such as Vitamin B2, C, D, E, and Niacin, along with minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorous.
There are other vitamins and minerals but in smaller qualities.
Some of the benefits of taking Kefir can be;
• Such as helping to kill Candida
• Improve digestion
• Help fight and heal IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease) with its high Vitamin C content; this is another excellent source to help build bone density.
You can find Kefir in many supermarkets, health food stores, or you can even make your own.
For store-bought types, buy Kefir with fruits added to them or flavoured varieties; this is because added sugar or flavoured additives are added to sweeten the Kefirs, which can be a great marketing ploy but not so great for your body due to the added sugars.
4. Kombucha Tea

To make Kombucha requires Tea (usually black or green) and sugar plus a starter culture and a week.
The starter culture is a culture of bacteria (the right kind with yeast) known as a Scoby or The Mother Culture.
The yeast within the SCOBY helps converts the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, while the bacterium converts this newly formed alcohol into acetic acid.
It is this acetic acid, like most of the fermented foods mentioned, that gives that sour, tangy taste.
Now Kombucha can be purchased both as pasteurized and unpasteurized.
However, during the pasteurizing process, probiotics are generally destroyed.
So the point of taking probiotics with Kombucha tea would be a waste of money and time with any pasteurized product.
In my opinion, selling pasteurized Kombucha tea is just a marketing ploy, and if they state it contains probiotics, I would think twice about purchasing that product.
The health benefits of Kombucha Tea are reportedly many.
• Aids the digestive process this being due to the probiotics contained within Kombucha
• Helps to boost the immune system
• Assists and is beneficial to weight loss.
• Helps in fighting the harmful yeast that causes candida.
There have been reports of Kombucha Tea that can be dangerous, and many people have fallen ill.
This is most likely due to unhealthy procedures that can contaminate the equipment and ingredients used to prepare and improper care during the fermentation process.
This can be as simple as not sterilizing the jars (e.g., boil the glass jars and lids) and the utensils used.
Also, ensure that your hands are washed properly, not just wet under the tap.
Remember, this is about your health, so you owe it yourself to ensure you keep and maintain a healthy state.
5. Kimchi

Another great food that has been made with fermented cabbage is Kimchi.
This spicy dish is a Korean delicacy but also a wonder food rich in probiotics.
Using Fermented cabbage is just one form of making Kimchi.
There are hundreds of ways to make Kimchi, and fermented cabbage is just one of them.
Fermented vegetables can also be in making Kimchi.
Depending on the ingredients used, some Kimchi forms are not spicy yet still provide many health benefits.
Such benefits can be:
• Better and improved digestion
• Helps in fighting colds and flu as it boosts the immune system.
• Ranging from Better digestion to helping fight various cancers
• Flavonoids found in Cabbage are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
• Helps to regulate fat absorption, which is excellent for weight loss and diabetics.
• Rich in vitamins A, B, B2 Calcium along with Iron.
• Great source of dietary fibre
Please note:
Those who are not used to eating fermented foods may find added unwanted issues.
Such can be bloating, excess gas, diarrhea, stomach pains, but these are only temporary.
The reason for this is most likely having too much of a good thing in one go.
Due to the sudden large increase in probiotics, this does kill off many of the pathogens (harmful Bacteria); unfortunately, as the pathogens are killed off, they release toxins that soon disappear as the intestinal flora becomes healthy again.
It is generally this increase of toxins that will create many of the issues mentioned above.
Please don’t feel that the fermented foods are creating this but known that the pathogens are trying to leave their mark.
The best remedy for this is to have smaller portions of fermented foods and slowly increase the intake over some time.
In conclusion;
Many other fermented foods are beneficial to your health (particularly your Gut flora); however, I have found the foods mentioned above to be the best of the best.
You may beg to differ so, and please let me know what fermented foods have you tried?
Which do you feel worked best for you?
Your comments and input can help and support many others struggling with various issues mentioned above and beyond.
As Always